Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Sad, the Good(?), and the WTF?!

The sad news is we lost an American Hero. Neil Armstrong passed away yesterday at the age of 82. It was cited to be from complications from heart surgery. We're sad to see you go, Commander Armstrong. You will be missed bay family and friends and forever remembered in history.

The good(?) news is Jersey Shore star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi gave birth to a boy around 3 am. Why this made Yahoo! front page news and came before the article about Commander Armstrong confounds me. It's always nice to see what Americans find more important. Perhaps the monkeys who work at Yahoo! are more impressed with her than the rest of the world. Maybe they just want to hit it, just once. Hey monkeys! I think everyone has hit it by now.

So for the WTF news (and it's going to be twisted and if you're easily offended, GTFO now): I believe in reincarnation. Do you think Neil was reincarnated as Snooki's baby? If so, do you think he came out saying "One small step for man. One giant leap for... WTF is that?!"


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