Monday, July 30, 2012

Prison, Past Life, and Peeping Tom's

Today was another one of those days. Well, not so many of the WTF moments, but enough to make me say "Really?"

The morning started normal enough with us making plans to head to the local mall for CC, Nyx, and Nox to spend the day with SIL and BIL while Xic and I watched The Dark Knight Rises. Oh yeah!

When the movie was over we meet back up with everyone to find out that Nyx pissed all over her clothes and a bag while SIL was changing her. LMAO She hasn't done that since she was a month old! So SIL bought her a new outfit and all was well. They really like BIL since he's tall enough to put them on a slide. Yep, Nyx even said "Up" while reaching up to BIL. That's a first for her. Well played, Nyx. Well played.

Since they had been awake for almost 8 1/2 hours, we decided we'd let them take a nap before heading to dinner at Olive Garden. Guess who had to wake them up from their nap? Yep. This is where things go bad. Complete meltdowns begin. At least getting in the car was easy. They seemed to cheer up for a while.

For once, the GPS took us right to the spot we wanted to go. No problems at all. Even traffic was working in our favor. We get to OG, get seated pretty quick, and get our order in.  Awesome! Food gets to the table, Nyx and Nox both like calamari. Hell yeah, they do! Nox starts sneaking it off the plate thinking no one saw and stuffs three in her mouth at a time. They get a cheese pizza and Nyx stuffs 12 cut bites in her mouth and looks like a chipmunk. I say "Nyx, were you a prisoner in a past life?" to which BIL says "She's carbo loading!" LMAO Classic. Nyx then decides to spit some out and a piece falls on the floor. Xic picks it up and eats it. 5 second rule, right? SIL chimes in "Xic, why even wash your hands if you're just going to eat off the floor?" Score one for SIL.

Time to leave. Why is their so much traffic at 7:40 pm? Because there's a concert tonight and it's in our town. Xic is nice enough to let a semi merge in front of us and gets a wave. Aw, how sweet. Then came the "Are you fucking serious?" moment. Some twatwaffle wannabe gangster bitch decides she's going to speed up and try to cut in front of us! Fuck twitchy face and clinched fists, this bitch gets the full on "FUCK YOU! Yeah! You, fuck head! Walmart's open 24 fucking 7 bitch!" I hope you miss that all precious sale you wanted to make. Asshole.

Okay, on to Safeway to get food and stuff for tomorrow's BBQ. We get there and I need to hit the little Goth's room. I get in and start to do my business when Crackhead Christi walks in with her 6-7 year-old son. This kid starts looking in my stall at me. WTF! "I hope you're getting an eye full, kid!" Yeah, I said it. Crackhead pipes in "Don't look in there, you don't know where her nasty ass has been!" Bitch, are you for real? "That's rich coming for a crackhead." Like I said, no filter. "You don't know me, cunt!" Bitch, you're lucky I'm still pissing or I'd have beat your ass. "I can see enough of your scars, scabs, and sores to know all I need to know about you and call it like it is, bitch!" Here's a fucking thought, keep your kid close to you and stop letting him get away with playing Peeking Tom and you won't get called out on it. Again, lucky you that I'm still on the fucking pot or I'd be fucking your world up, kid or no kid.

Now the day's done and it's time to relax. I hope you're laughing. I wasn't at the time, but going back and reading this trying to find all my errors and spelling mistakes (thanks dyslexia) I'm laugh my fucking arse off.


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