Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Moving, Drinking, Driving, IDIOTS!

Okay Minions, this is another heated rant. Right now, I need to hop up on my soap box and bitch a little. Okay, a lot!

First thing on today's rant list: PCS. PCS is a move for military and their family. It stands for Permanent Change of Station. When in the military, you move around. Sometimes a lot. If you're lucky (or not for some) you stay at the same base for an entire enlistment. However, if you find yourself in a PCS, you have movers pack up all your belongings in two separate moves. The first one should be "Unaccompanied Baggage". This is the stuff you'll want upon arrival at your next base. Things like professional gear (vests, boots, uniforms), pots and pans, dishes, sheets, towels... You get the idea. The next is HHG (Household Goods). This is everything else in your house. Now here where the rant starts...

My twin, Hecate, is in the middle of a PCS with her husband, Kobal. Now remember I said unaccompanied baggage first? Yeah, the fucking idiot, assholes at their current base set up HHG to be packed and picked up first. Now with any PCS, you have a weight limit. For them, it was 9000 lbs. The reason for unaccompanied to be packed first it to avoid my Hecate's situation they're facing: Over the weight limit. Why is this a problem? Because their HHG weighed in over 12,000 lbs the base is refusing to take their unaccompanied baggage. Including their pro-gear! Mother fuckers need to ship that shit! THEY. CAN'T. WORK. WITHOUT. IT. I'd be kicking some major fucking ass if I were still their! This is something they can't take with them. At all. Why the fuck did this base set it up backward? Because it is becoming a backward mother fucking base that's going to Hell in a hand basket pretty damn quick! I'm fucking fuming about this! Ship their stuff out, you fucking douchewaffles! Now Hecate said she might be able to call in a favor with the Wing Commander. Yeah, she's that fucking awesome that she can call in favors to him. That's just how we roll, Minions. I hope for the base's sake that they ship their stuff. Because if they don't, I have a feeling we'll be seeing on the news "Woman Burns Military Base to Ground Alone". And that's only because I'm not there to help.

Second thing on the rant list: Drink Drivers. As I was talking to Hecate on Skype about the fucktards at their base, she informs me of a DUI that resulted in a crash. Being that they are overseas, this is even worse. Military members and their families are ambassadors for the US. Nice way to fucking make the host country think this is how all Americans are! It wasn't just one person in the accident either. Two people, at 8:00 am were drunk off their asses and crashed into a pole. At least that's what they're saying at the moment. It was so bad they had to transfer one guy from the military hospital to an off base one to treat him. The other guy, still not sure if he was the driver, was immediately discharged from the military. It was THAT fucking bad! So here it goes:

Why the fuck are you drunk that fucking early? Seriously! And being THAT drunk and driving makes you the winner of Fucking Douchewaffle Idiot of the Year. I can't stand fucking drunk drivers! You people are the fucking scum beneath the scum of the Earth! You should all be lined up and have be stoned to death by anyone who has lost a loved one to a drunk driver! I don't care if you drink and get shit faced in your off time, but you need to have at least half a fucking brain cell to get someone else to drive you! Call a fucking cab if you have to and pick your damned car up the next fucking day! And any "friend" who lets someone drive drunk is no better and should be stabbed in the fucking jaw. Oh, and if you have a fucking friend in the car and you're both fucking wasted at eight in the fucking morning maybe you should have rolled and either become fucking vegetables, paralyzed, or died because you're obviously real fucking winners. 

If you fucking disagree, that's cool. I don't fucking care what you think because this is how I feel. If you have a fucking friend or family member that drinks and drive and you know it and try to defend them by saying "Well, what if it was your family member who did it? How would you feel if they died?" Uh, I would say THEY FUCKING DESERVED IT! I don't care. If my kids ever did it and lived through a crash, I would probably kill them myself. Would I mourn the loss of my kid if they died from their drinking and driving? Yeah. Only a heartless fucker wouldn't. But that doesn't change the fact that I would be pissed the fuck off for them being an idiot even if it was a one time lapse of judgement. No excuses.

The the "What if it was your family member" question I would also ask "How would you feel if one of your other family members was killed by the other? A child in the same car? A sister in the car that was hit? A mother talking a walk around the block?" Because what you would feel for the innocent family member is how every person who has lost someone because of a drunk driver feels every fucking day. So to all the assholes who have and still drive drunk thinking it will never happen to you because you're always in control: FUCK YOU, YOU DEGENERATE, INSIGNIFICANT, CRETIN! BURN IN HELL!

Okay, I think I'm done. I'll shut up and try to get back to funny shit soon.


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